Thursday, 27 August 2015

Drama with Mrs Linklater

We had a drama lesson with Mrs Linklater this week.

We used our bodies to create shapes.

In our groups we made trees.

Then we did a fish and then a lion.

Next week we are doing drama based on a story.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Our First Day

We had a great first day! After introducing ourselves and talking about the things we like to do, we decided to draw a picture of ourselves and where we would like to travel.

Someone suggested travelling in a time machine. 

And some people travelled to different countries in the world.

Lots of people wanted to try out their pencil cases.

Or try out the resources on the table.

It was good to see how everyone got on with their drawings.

We ended up with lovely pictures and great ideas.

Then we got to choose a different activity.

We had a great first day.

Thank you P1/2:-)


There are opportunities during the school day for children to do activities of their choice.

Some of the activities include play dough challenges.

There may be sorting to do. 

Activities involving pattern making.

The children can choose to read using the individual reading lights in the pod.

Or use the small world table.

The children can share their achievements with the class at the end of the session.

Our Favourite Places

As part of our topic and our listening and talking we are looking at our favourite places around the school.

We picked three people at random from our lolly stick tub.

They showed us their favourite place and explained clearly in sentences why they had chosen it.

We listened to each other and then we could ask a questions or make a comment.

All three places were in the play park, so we decided to have a play when we were there because we listened so well:-)

Learning Partners

We have been learning to work with learning partners to complete activities.

We listened to the alphabet song and phonics song as a whole class.

Then we cut out the letters of the alphabet, sharing the work with a learning partner.

We used alphabet mats and the song we had heard to help order the letters again.

Then we wrote our names on the paper and stuck down the letters to make a poster.

We will add more details to our posters next week.

Everyone worked really hard and managed to complete the activity by working together.

Well done everyone:-)