Friday, 29 April 2016

Studying Real Crabs

We had six real crabs in class today to study.

Everyone was very excited to see what real crabs looked like close up.

We counted the legs and compared these crabs to the ones we read about.

We spoke about the names for the different parts of the anatomy. 

Some of the children thought they needed some water in the tank so we discussed why that wouldn't work.

Someone did think we could nip to the sea for a bucket of salt water but it was nearly hometime so we didn't.

The children were very interested in the creatures and asked good questions.

Sand Delivery

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

P5 Activities - Seashore

We are working together to develop our knowledge of the sea and its creatures.

We have split into groups each week to work on different aspects of our final display.

P5 pupils led the P1/2 pupils and guided them with their efforts.

One group painted the sea from dark to light blue in waves.

Whilst others coloured their blue crab with lots of careful colours and shading. Again P5 led the P1/2 pupils helping them think about techniques.

Another group are working on their puffer fish models. 

The final group went to create a sandy seabed. They used paper, glue and sand. This will be used to create the final seascape collage. 

Working with Money

We did a scramble in class to collect a random amount of coins for learning about money.

With our money we went to P5-7 to buy some art.

P5-7 had drawn pictures and had made an art gallery for us to buy from.

Once we had looked at the art, we bought what we could afford.

The art was really good.

Back in class we displayed the coins we had left over into columns. 

We took photos of our money charts.

Tomorrow we will use the photos to answer data handling questions such as which column has the most coins?

Which column is worth the most?

How many 1p coins are there?

How many 2p coins are there?

Which is worth more, the 1p column or the 2p column?

We will encourage counting in 2s for 2p coins and counting In 5s for 5p coins etc.

We will add up each column and see if we can add up the grand total.

The next time we will use a mixture of coins to make various totals.