Friday, 30 September 2016

MacMillan Coffee Morning

P6/7 organised a coffee morning for MacMillan on Friday.

All the classes learnt about MacMillan and did something to contribute to the event.

P1/2 made table centres to create a nice atmosphere.

They learnt about letters and sounds and how to compile words at the same time.

The whole class visited the coffee morning and bought a fancy and juice.

There was lots of lovely baking to choose from.

Then P1/2 had a chance to buy raffles.

Some of our family members came along to join us for coffee.

It was good fun and we raised £433.

Reading Activities

The school is developing reading this year.

We are trying to make reading fun and give the children lots of purpose for reading each day.

We use the Oxford Reading Tree scheme for guided reading. 

This is when we study the books and do lots of discussion, then we follow up with comprehension.

We send home Songbirds books and a library book every Monday for children to share at home.

We also choose books from the library van each month.

Nursery Time