Tuesday, 29 September 2015

P6 Library Time

On a Tuesday P6 are taking P1/2 for a library session.

They choose a book from the school library and read the story together before doing a follow-up activity.

The P1/2 class love reading with the older children and it has encouraged them to think about books in different ways.

We have studied characters and a little bit about settings this week.  Next week we will move onto a new topic.

Everyone added drawings of their characters to large posters.  We have put these up on the wall to remind us of the activity.

Some of the children even wanted to read the big books which we wrote as a whole school.

The library books can be taken home on Tuesday to look at with adults at home and then returned to the box in the library.

P7 Studyladder

P7 took the class in two groups to help them log onto Studyladder and get started on the set activities.

They helped to create the avatar to go in their profile.

And then they showed them some of the activities they could choose.

P7 are demonstrating a sense of responsibility. They are representing themselves and their class well.

They are modelling good attitudes for their younger peers.

P7 were very helpful and patient with the younger children.

P1/2 thoroughly enjoyed learning with the older children and it meant they got very valuable help.

Monday, 28 September 2015

P5 Activities

One group shared some of their own learning with P1/2 by making Viking shields.

P5 had all the resources ready and helped P1/2 with the designs.

Another group used the laptops to challenge P1/2 with a typing game.

They organised the laptops and looked for headphones in preparation.

There were basket ball activities in the hall for one of the groups.

They had to use their throwing, catching and bouncing skills for this.

It was good exercise too!

The shield group finished the shields with a handle for the P1/2 children.

And told them a short version of the story of Saint Magnus.

Both classes did really well again.

After the October break we will decide how to take forward these activities.

Writing and assessing e and p

We were working on correct letter formation today as part of learning the sound e.

Once we had written out a board full of letters we swapped with a learning partner.

Our learning partner circled the best letters.

They had to think about what makes a good letter.

We will continue to develop this skill when we are doing other activities.

This is the beginning of learning to set our own success criteria. What should our work look like to be successful?

Everyone did really well with the writing and the assessing.

P1-7 Big Book Writing

As part of Roald Dahl Day we talked about being an author. So we decided to write our own books.

(P1/2 cover, spelling mistake to be corrected, oops!)

Each class started by writing an introduction with characters and a setting they had invented.

     (P5 cover, to be completed)

The next class wrote the main event.

      (P3/4 cover)

And the next class wrote the ending of the story.

     (P6/7 cover)

Then the next class designed a cover and made up a title. Some classes also wrote a blurb.

We read our big books at assembly.

It was exciting to see how other classes had continued what we had begun.

All the classes had a go at reading the book they finished off.

P6/7 helped to read with P1/2.

Lots of people wanted to be the readers, which was great!

Each book had a great story and illustrations.

The books will be in the school library if you would like to read them:-)